Module: gears.debug

Utility functions to make development easier.


  • Copyright: 2010 Uli Schlachter
  • Originally authored by: Uli Schlachter
    (Full contributors list available on our github project)

Static module functions

gears.debug.dump_return (data, tag, depth) -> string Inspect the value in data.
gears.debug.dump (data, tag, depth) Print the table (or any other value) to the console.
gears.debug.print_warning (message) Print an warning message
gears.debug.print_error (message) Print an error message
gears.debug.deprecate (see, args) Display a deprecation notice, but only once per traceback.
gears.debug.deprecate_class (fallback, old_name, new_name, args) -> table Create a class proxy with deprecation messages.

Static module functions

🔗 gears.debug.dump_return (data, tag, depth) -> string
Inspect the value in data.


Name Type(s) Description
data Value to inspect.
tag The name of the value.
depth Optional int Depth of recursion.


    string A string that contains the expanded value of data.
🔗 gears.debug.dump (data, tag, depth)
Print the table (or any other value) to the console.


Name Type(s) Description
data Table to print.
tag The name of the table.
depth Optional int Depth of recursion.
🔗 gears.debug.print_warning (message)
Print an warning message


Name Type(s) Description
message string The warning message to print.
🔗 gears.debug.print_error (message)
Print an error message


Name Type(s) Description
message string The error message to print.
🔗 gears.debug.deprecate (see, args) · 2 signals
Display a deprecation notice, but only once per traceback.

This function also emits the debug::deprecation signal on the awesome global object. If the deprecated API has been deprecated for more than one API level, it will also send a non-fatal error.


Name Type(s) Description
see Optional The message to a new method / function to use.
args table Extra arguments
raw boolean Print the message as-is without the automatic context
deprecated_in integer Print the message only when Awesome's version is equal to or greater than deprecated_in.

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Emit signals:

  • debug::deprecation This is usually routed to stdout when the API is newly deprecated.
    • msg string The full formatted message.
    • see string A message provided by the caller.
    • args table Some extra context.
  • debug::error When the API has been deprecated for more than one API level.
    • msg string The full formatted message.
🔗 gears.debug.deprecate_class (fallback, old_name, new_name, args) -> table
Create a class proxy with deprecation messages. This is useful when a class has moved somewhere else.


Name Type(s) Description
fallback table The new class.
old_name string The old class name.
new_name string The new class name.
args Optional table The name.
deprecated_in Optional number The version which deprecated this class.


    table A proxy class.
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