API documentation for cwc, highly configurable dynamic wayland compositor

Welcome to the documentation for CwC Wayland compositor. Below you find an overview of the individual parts which links to the full documentation.

If you are a new user, you may want to read 00-getting-started.md to get started.


cwc cwc lifecycle and low-level APIs.
cwc.client Low-level API to manage toplevel/window/client.
cwc.container Low-level API client container operation.
cwc.input Lua library for managing input device from libinput.
cwc.kbd Low-level API to manage keyboard behavior
cwc.plugin C plugins lifecycle and management API.
cwc.pointer Low-level API to manage pointer and pointer device
cwc.screen Low-Level API to manage output and the tag/workspace system
cwc_tag Tag object for managing virtual workspace in a screen.


cwc.cwcle Windows like Alt+Tab useful when in floating mode.


gears.debug Utility functions to make development easier.
gears.filesystem Various filesystem utility functions.
gears.geometry Helper functions used to compute geometries.
gears.math Various math related functions.
gears.object The object oriented programming base class used by various Awesome widgets and components.
gears.protected_call Safely call a function and handle errors using gears.debug.
gears.sort Utilities to sort and arrange data.
gears.string Various string manipulation and introspection fuctions.
gears.table Various functions to work with tables.


gears.color This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects.


cuteful.client Useful functions for client manipulation.
cuteful.enum Constants extracted from C code.
cuteful.screen Useful functions for screen object.
cuteful.tag Useful functions for tag operation.
gears.matcher A module to build a set of properties based on a graph of rules.
gears.surface Utilities to integrate and manipulate Cairo drawing surfaces.


gears.cache Cache object with data that can be garbage-collected.
gears.matrix An implementation of matrices for describing and working with affine transformations.


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